The Difference.
Over the years we have either been apart of, or seen how other electrical companies work. So we're developing a list of what makes us different.
Integrity. Our walk matches our talk. What we do and what say are the same.
Responsibility. We like to be responsible for the work that we do. If on the odd occasion that an item fails, we will replace it under warranty, even if you didn't know about the part.
Accountability. When we work for our customers we are accountable them, and the authorizing authority by which we are conducting the work under.
Quality. A quality product is not necessarily the most expensive product. We prefer using the product that is the most fit for purpose for the environment of the project.
Test results. We like to prove that we have conducted our work properly, and that it adheres to the appropriate act, regulations, and or standards. We do this by recording the results where we can and giving them to you. Even if you don't understand them, you can see that we have done our job properly.
Aesthetically pleasing. Most people don't like the sight of cables especially in meeting rooms, and boardrooms. We don't either. So we always look for a way to install them out of sight.
True centre or Visual centre? True centre can look out of place in relation to another building element or piece of furniture. We always go for the visual centre especially when it comes to lighting in a relaxing environment.
Opinion. Your opinion counts. Don't be surprised if we ask for it, as you will be the one living with it.
Preparation is key. Preparation and orgainising the job to get all the materials together can take some time. We like to be as organised as we possibly can.
The little things count. We find that doing the little extra things saves potential faults in the future, and prolongs the life of the installation.
What if? We look at the what if, and protect, or prevent it from happening.
Recycling. Yes we recycle paper, cardboard, and all types of fluorescent tubes.